Mimi shared details about how the ShoreTel Sky solution was deployed quickly after the decision to move the Nets from New Jersey to Brooklyn.Dan Hoffman and Mimi Viau Verna of the Brooklyn NetsEveryone enjoyed the game and the chance to learn a bit more about what it takes to manage the technology of an NBA franchise.
So who emerged victorious? Obviously both teams – since both teams are winners for choosing ShoreTel/ShoreTel Sky. But the NBA record will reflect that the Nets took it 95-83. Back home, in our own little office pool (for major corporate bragging rights), ShoreTelian Sarah Smith came closest to calling the outcome, predicting a 96-87 Nets win. Thomas Simone on the Sky team was also very close, with his call of 93-87.
Here are a few recaps by our guests:
FierceEnterpriseCommunications – 11/29/2012 - Boston Celtics, Brooklyn Nets agree on one thing at least – ShoreTel UC by Fred Donovan
CRN – 11/30/2012 – Behind The Scenes: How ShoreTel Keeps The Boston Celtics Running By Kristin Bent
eWEEK – 11/30/2012 – ShoreTel in Win-Win Situation With Celtics-Nets Game By Jeffrey Burt
ComputerWorld – 12/3/2012 - Brooklyn Nets, Boston Celtics disagree … over the cloud By Colin Neagle
InformationWeek – 12/3/2012 – Celtics, Nets Score With Unified Communications By Eric Lundquist
IT Knowledge Exchange – 12/3/2012 – Boston Celtics vs. Brooklyn Nets, or cloud-based vs. premise phone systems? By Gina Narcisi
*I’ve always wanted an excuse to mention Kevin Garnett in this blog. It’s my lucky day.